Saturday, November 24, 2012

Warung Le Marie is Back!

Hello friends,

It's been a long time doesn't it? Yeah, yeah, it's like someone put a time machine and pressed the fast forward button and here we are, nearing the end of 2012. Remember that movie '2012' portraying the end of the world based on the Mayan calendar? The makers of that movie will look incredibly foolish when it's being watched next year. But they won't bother, they've got their paycheck, people have watched the movie and probably forgotten it, and everybody goes on with life. Though, it's funny isn't it, people come up with the date of the end of the world on a calendar that they themselves made...lots of thinking and logic behind that I'm sure...

Anyways, I'm starting to ramble I'll get to the point; We're still available for order and/or visit for Indonesian food products through email or telephone. We'll also deliver the products to you if your proximity is close enough ^^ which let's say is...20 km radius, how about that?

So don't hesitate if you miss those spices, snacks, and noodles, give us a call, and from me, until next time. Cheers!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Hai Friends...

This is a hard decision that I made
Warung Le Marie is reluctantly announcing that the prices of our products are going up.Cause the inflation n economic influence from around us.
I wish, it isn't make you stop shopping at Warung Le Marie
Please,always check out our new updates...Indonesian food is always the best...

Thank you for your attention

Friday, March 14, 2008

Order Up! Indonesian Food, of course...

Hello friends...

These are the foods available for ordering;
A. Traditional Snacks
1. Eggroll veggie fillings @ 0.75
2. Eggroll chicken fillings @ 0.75
3. Kroket(fried mashed potato) with meat fillings @ 1.00
4. Semar mendem (sticky rice with meat wrapped) @ 1.00
5. Lumpia Semarang (Spring Roll) @ 0.75
6. Kue lumpur @ 0.75
7. Kue mangkok tape @ 0.75
8. Kue pukis @ 0.75
9. Kue apem @ 0.75
10.Klepon 20 bh. @ 3.00
11.Onde2 kc.hijau @ 0.75
12.Bolu kukus @ 0.75
13.Putu ayu @ 0.75
14.Bolu tape keju (loyang/pan) @10.00
15.Pastel @ 1.00
16.Lapis Surabaya,dll

B. Main Dishes
1. Gudeg komplit 1 porsi @ 6.00
2. Siomay 1 porsi @ 3.50
3. Rendang 1 porsi @ 6.00
4. Pepes ikan/ayam,urap,kering kentang,dll (Steamed fish/chicken)

Perfect for B-days, parties and it among families or friends! Plz order a week before in order to get a snack of the highest quality...

For further info, plz email us at

Thx and we'll be waiting for your order!

Thursday, February 28, 2008


Gara-gara ada temen nyeletukin,"mbak...buka warteg nasi rames,tim ayam atau apa gitu...biar kita2 kalau lagi males masak bisa tinggal nyantap aja....!",jadi kepikiran deh....

Tapi mosok ada yang mo dateng rame2?? Paling2 cuman yg.usul aja...maklum dia punya balita and suami bule. Tapi asyik juga ya,ngebayangin punya warteg or kelas atas berlabel cafe! Ada ajang kumpul,sharing,curhat minus rumpi lho...,kebayang gak sih...perantau yang lonely??Ikatan itu muncul krn.kebutuhan yang sama...rindu atmosfir kampung halaman...Sedikit terobati dengan "wisata kuliner",menyambangi kepulauan nusantara,wuaahh...

Entahlah,butuh diskusi hangat ama diri sendiri... mampu gak ya???

Monday, February 18, 2008

Hobi baru

Hai friends,

Sejak winter dateng,aku n famili jarang keluar...alesan klise...dingin!
Nah,gara2 jarang keluar ternyata ada positifnya buat members.
Apa coba...hi..hi.hi..suami hobi masak and nyobain resep...haa
Positifnya,my little girl jadi doyan makan..........
Gak nyangka,ternyata tastenya gak kalah ama chefs yang baru lulus ecole de cuisine!
Menu teranyar yang dimasak berjudul "Gubel"..resep original dari mertua yang asli Solo,sayangnya aku gak tahu arti nama itu.Tapi dng.tidak mengurangi rasa hormat..mirip2 balado daging...nyamm...
Biar kalian gak penasaran..ini fotonya.Selamat menikmati.....

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pindah alamat

Luv U all my friends

Semoga selalu happy ya...amien
Sejak jadi "pengacara" alias pengangguran banyak acara, mo otak-atik blog ini koq..sulit banget ya!!
But,aku paksain sekarang demi kalian
Sejak tahun ini tambah barang baru lho,yang dah lama kalian pengin-in,apa ya?
Ada: abon,dodol sirsak,kc.bogor,rempeyek,keripik tempe aneka rasa,and tentu saja daftar lama masih tersedia
Buat yang belanja di Pierrefonds,pembelian via email or tlp.> $ 50 diantar bagi yang tinggal di Mtl area
Juga pindah alamat cabang warung; gak lagi di Barclay tapi di

3085 Bedford apt.16,Montreal
tlp: 514-739 8071

Ga usah ragu2,silakan belanja ya


Thursday, May 31, 2007


Hai Temans.........

Waduh2 ...ternyata dah lama juga aku gak aktif!!
Gara-gara ambil french course fulltime,jadinya "klenger" sendiri..heee
Tapi,warung masih buka lho...n aktif ngelayanin ibu2 cantik yang gemar nyobain resep2 baru.
Bulan depan..ceritanya nih, aku mo mudik dulu...dah tahun ke 5 lho aku disini n lum tengok ortu n famili ..bayangin aja ..."rindu dendam"!
Jadi buat belanja ,silakan kunjungi cabang di Barclay.
Buat yg.gak mau repot,ya silakan mborong segala macem..buat persediaan selama aku mudik..he..he..he....
Masih ada service delivery koq..yg.belanja more than $50...opo ora enak tho...!!
And yang jelas tengkyuu..banget ya..masih jadi pelanggan setiaku
Oh ya...ada barang2 baru lho,sbb: kering tempe($3.25), sambal balado($4.75) n serundeng solo ($2.85)...Buruan cobain...sebelum habissss!!

Salam...n have nice days